"Walk in Purpose" Project
The gifting of our loved one's shoes is an essential part of our work.
We take new and lightly used shoes from individuals who desire to donate the shoes of their loved ones. We clean and sanitize each donation and In turn, we provide the shoes to organizations and individuals impacted by mental health, suicide, trauma or loss.
We ask each gift recipient to REMEMBER that they are walking in the shoes of a lost loved one.... Therefore "walk in purpose".
Crisis/ Financial  Support
Soul Survivors of Chicago seeks to support individuals and families impacted by trauma, violence, suicide and loss.
We offer crisis / financial support to make a real difference in the lives of those impacted by loss, violence, suicide, and trauma.
Our awards provide a myriad of support for those in need. Financial Assistance can to help persons in crisis meet immediate financial hardship assistance.
Award amounts vary throughout the year.
At Soul Survivors of Chicago we strive to share our message with the community.
Our outreach team provides educational workshop, public speaking, street outreach and trainings on importance of mental health and suicide prevention.
We work to help schools, community organizations, correctional institutions, local small owned businesses, education providers other non-profits learn more about the importance of mental health awareness. Our impact in life changing.